The follow chart provides an overview about CCC mandatory production certification according to official Implementation Rules for CCC Certification by CNCA(Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China)
Category | Items | Mandatory or Self-declaration |
电线电缆 Cable and Cord | 1. 电线组件 1. Cord set | Mandatory |
2. 交流额定电压3kV及以下铁路机车车辆用电线电缆 2. Rail vehicle cables with rated voltages up to and including 3kV (wires) | Voluntary | |
3. 额定电压 450/750 V 及以下橡皮绝缘电线电缆 3. Rubber insulated cables of ratedvoltages up to and including 450/750V | Mandatory | |
4. 额定电压 450/750 V 及以下聚氯乙烯绝缘电线电缆 4. Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables ofrated voltages up toand including 450/750V | Mandatory | |
电路开关及保护或连接用电器装置 Circuit switch and electrical device for protection or connection | 1. 插头插座(家用和类似用途) 1. Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purpose | Mandatory |
2. 家用和类似用途固定式电气装置的开关 2. Switches for household and similar fixed-electrical installations | Mandatory | |
3. 器具耦合器(家用和类似用途) 3. Appliances couples for household and similar general purposes | Mandatory | |
4. 热熔断体 4. Thermal-links | CCC Self-declaration | |
5. 家用和类似用途固定式电气装置电器附件外壳 5. Boxes and enclosures for electrical accessories for household and similar fixed electrical installation | Mandatory | |
6. 小型熔断器的管状熔断体 6. Cartridge fuse-links of miniature fuses | CCC Self-declaration | |
低压电器 Low-voltage electrical appliances | 1. 漏电保护器 1. Residual current protective devices | CCC Self-declaration |
2. 断路器 2. breaker | CCC Self-declaration | |
3. 熔断器 3. Fuses | CCC Self-declaration | |
4. 低压开关(隔离器、隔离开关、熔断器组合电器) 4. Low-voltage switchgear (disconnections, switch-disconnections, fuse-combination units) | CCC Self-declaration | |
5. 其他电路保护装置 5. Other protective devices for circuits (current limiting devices, circuits protective devices, over-current protective devices, thermal protectors, over load relays, low-voltage electromechanical contactors, motor starters) | CCC Self-declaration | |
6. 继电器 6. Relay | CCC Self-declaration | |
7. 其他开关 7. Other switches(switches for appliances, timers, vacuum switches, pressure switches, proximity switches, foot switches, thermal switches, hydraulic switches, push-button switches, position limit switches, micro-gap switches, two direction switches, temperature sensitive switches, travel switches, change-over switches, auto-change-over switches, knife switches) | CCC Self-declaration | |
8. 其他装置 8. Other devices (contactors, motor starters, indicator light, auxiliary contact assemblies, master controllers, A.C. semiconductor motor controllers and starters) | CCC Self-declaration | |
9. 低压成套开关设备 9. Low-voltageswitchgear and control gear assemblies | CCC Self-declaration | |
小功率电动机 Small power motors | 1. 小功率电动机 1. Small power motors | CCC Self-declaration |
电动工具 Power Tools | 1. 电钻 1. Electric drills (including impact drills) | CCC Self-declaration |
2. 电动螺丝刀和冲击扳手 2. Screwdrivers and impact wrenches | Voluntary | |
3. 电动砂轮机 3. Electric grinders | CCC Self-declaration | |
4. 砂光机 4. Sanders | Voluntary | |
5. 圆锯 5. Circular saws | Voluntary | |
6. 电锤 6. Electric hammers (Electric pickax) | CCC Self-declaration | |
电焊机 welding machine | 1. 小型交流弧焊机 1. Portable A.C. arc welding machines | Voluntary |
2. 交流弧焊机 2. A.C. Arc welding machines | Voluntary | |
3. 直流弧焊机 3. D.C. Arc welding machines | CCC Self-declaration | |
4. TIG弧焊机 4. TIG welding machines | CCC Self-declaration | |
5. MIG/MAG弧焊机 5. MIG/MAG welding machines | CCC Self-declaration | |
6. 埋弧焊机 6. Submerged arc welding machines | Voluntary | |
7. 等离子弧切割机 7. Plasma arc cutting machines | CCC Self-declaration | |
8. 等离子弧焊机 8. Plasma arc welding machine | Voluntary | |
9. 弧焊变压器防触电装置 9. Electric shock protective devices for arc welding transformer | Voluntary | |
10. 焊接电缆耦合装置 10. Coupling devices forwelding cables | Voluntary | |
11. 电阻焊机 11. Resistance welding machine | Voluntary | |
家用和类似用途设备 Household and similar equipment | 1. 家用电冰箱和食品冷冻箱 1. Household refrigerators, food freezers (Effective volume less than 500L) | Mandatory |
2. 电风扇 2. Electric fans | Mandatory | |
3. 空调器 3. Air-conditioners(Cooling capacity shall not exceed 21000 cal/h ) | Mandatory | |
4. 电动机-压缩机 4. Motor-compressors | CCC Self-declaration | |
5. 家用电动洗衣机 5. Household electric washing machines | Mandatory | |
6. 电热水器 6. water heaters | Mandatory | |
7. 室内加热器 7. Room heaters | Mandatory | |
8. 真空吸尘器 8. Vacuum cleaners | Mandatory | |
9. 皮肤和毛发护理器具 9. Appliances for skin and hair care | Mandatory | |
10. 电熨斗 10. Electric irons | Mandatory | |
11. 电磁灶 11. Electromagnetic cookers | Mandatory | |
12. 电烤箱(便携式烤架、面包片烘烤器及类似烹调器具) 12. Roasters | Mandatory | |
13. 电动食品加工器具(食品加工机(厨房机械)) 13. Kitchen machines | Mandatory | |
14. 微波炉 14. Microwave ovens (frequencies bands over 300MHz) | Mandatory | |
15. 电灶、灶台、烤炉和类似器具(驻立式电烤箱、固定式烤架及类似烹调器具) 15. Cooking ranges, hobs,ovens and similar appliances | Mandatory | |
16. 吸油烟机 16. Range hoods | Mandatory | |
17. 液体加热器和冷热饮水机 17. Appliances for heating liquids and water dispensers | Mandatory | |
18. 电饭锅 18. Electric rice cookers | Mandatory | |
19. 电热毯 19. Electric blankets | Mandatory | |
音视频设备 Audio and video equipment | 1. 总输出功率在500W(有效值)以下的单扬声器和多扬声器有源音箱 1. Powered sound boxes having single/multiplespeakers with the max output sound power under 500W (R.M.S) | Mandatory |
2. 音频功率放大器 2. Audio power amplifier | Mandatory | |
3. 各种广播波段的调谐接收机、收音机 3. Radio receivers | CCC self-declaration | |
4. 各类载体形式的音视频录制播放及处理设备(包括各类光盘、磁带、硬盘、等载体形式) 4. Recorders, players, dealers foraudio andvideo withkinds ofcarrier media (includingkinds ofcarrier ofcassettetape andlaser disc) | Voluntary | |
5. 以上四种设备的组合 5. Power adapters for audio/video products | Mandatory | |
6. 音视频设备配套的电源适配器(含充/放电器) 6. Power adapters for audio/video products | Mandatory | |
7. 各种成像方式的彩色电视接收机 7. Color television receivers with kinds of display types | Mandatory | |
8. 监视器 8. Monitors (not including television receivers forautomobiles) | Voluntary | |
9. 录像机 9. Video recorders | Mandatory | |
10. 电子琴 10. Electronic organs | Mandatory | |
信息技术设备 Information technology equipment | 1. 微型计算机 1. Microcomputers | Mandatory |
2. 便携式计算机 2. Portable personal computers | Mandatory | |
3. 与计算机连用的显示设备 3. Display device connected with computer; Projector | Mandatory | |
4. 与计算机相连的打印设备 4. Printers connected with computers, plotters | Mandatory | |
5. 多用途打印复印机 5. Multiplying printer & coping machines | Mandatory | |
6. 扫描仪 6. Scanners | Mandatory | |
7. 计算机内置电源及电源适配器充电器 7. Switching power supply units for computer, adapters and chargers | Mandatory | |
8. 服务器 8. Servers | Mandatory | |
照明电器 Lighting appliances | 1. 灯具 1. luminaries | Mandatory |
2. 镇流器 2. Ballasts | Mandatory | |
机动车辆及安全附件 Motor vehicles and safety accessories | 1. 汽车 1. Automotive | Mandatory |
2. 摩托车 2. Motorcycles | Mandatory | |
3. 汽车安全带 3. Safety belts | CCC Self-declaration | |
4. 机动车外部照明及光信号装置 4. Motor vehicle external lighting and light signal device | CCC Self-declaration | |
5. 机动车辆间接视野装置 5. Motor vehicle indirect vision device | CCC self-declaration | |
6. 汽车内饰件 6. Interior materials | Voluntary | |
7. 汽车门锁及门保持件 7. Door Lock and Door Retention Components | Voluntary | |
8. 汽车座椅及座椅头枕 8. Seats and Head Restraints for Automobile | CCC Self-declaration | |
9. 汽车行驶记录仪 9. Car driving recorder | CCC self-declaration | |
10. 车身反光标识 10. Reflective logo | CCC self-declaration | |
11. 摩托车成员头盔 11. Motorcycles helmet | Mandatory | |
12. 电动自行车 12. Electric bicycle | Mandatory | |
机动车辆轮胎 Tyres for automotive | 1. 轿车轮胎 1. Passenger car tyres | Mandatory |
2. 载重汽车轮胎 2. Truck tyres | Mandatory | |
3. 摩托车轮胎 3. Motorcycle tyres | Mandatory | |
安全玻璃 Safety glass | 1. 汽车安全玻璃 1. Safety glass products used in automobiles | CCC Self-declaration |
2. 建筑安全玻璃 2. Safety glass productsused in buildings | Mandatory | |
3. 铁道车辆安全玻璃 3. Safety glass productsused in railway rolling stock | Voluntary | |
农机产品 Agricultural machine | 1. 植物保护机械 1. Plant protection machinery | Mandatory |
2. 轮式拖拉机 2. Wheel tractor | Mandatory | |
电信终端设备 Telecommunications terminal equipment | 1. 传真机 1. Fax machine | Mandatory |
2. 固定电话终端及电话机附加装置 2. Fixed telephone terminal | Voluntary | |
3. 无绳电话终端 3. Cordless telephone terminal | Mandatory | |
4. 集团电话 4. Key-Phone system | Voluntary | |
5. 移动用户终端 5. Mobile terminal | Mandatory | |
6. 数据终端(含卡) 6. Data terminal | Mandatory | |
7. 多媒体终端 7. Multimedia terminal | Mandatory | |
消防产品 Fire Products | 1. 火灾报警产品 1. Fire alarm products | Mandatory |
2. 灭火器 2. Fire extinguisher | Mandatory | |
3. 避难逃生产品 3. Evacuation products | Mandatory | |
安全防范产品 Security Products | 1. 入侵探测器 1. Intruder alarm systems | Mandatory |
2. 防盗报警控制器 2. Security alarm equipment | Mandatory | |
装饰装修产品 Decoration products | 1. 溶剂型木器涂料 1. Solvent coatings for woodenware | Mandatory |
2. 瓷质砖 2. Ceramic tiles | Mandatory | |
儿童用品 Children's products | 1. 童车类产品 1. Bicycles for children | Mandatory |
2. 电玩具类产品 2. Electrical toys | Mandatory | |
3. 塑胶玩具类产品 3. Plastic toys | Mandatory | |
4. 金属玩具类产品 4. Metal toys | Mandatory | |
5. 弹射玩具类产品 5. Projectile toys | Mandatory | |
6. 娃娃玩具类产品 6. Doll toys | Mandatory | |
7. 机动车儿童乘员用约束系统 7. Restraint system for child occupants of motor vehicles | Mandatory | |
防爆电器 Explosion-proof appliances | 1. 防爆电机 1. Explosion-proof motors | Mandatory |
2. 防爆电泵 2. Explosion-proof electric pump | Mandatory | |
3. 防爆配电装置类产品 3. Explosion-proof power distribution devices | Mandatory | |
4. 防爆开关、控制及保护产品 4. Explosion-proof switch, control and protection products | Mandatory | |
5. 防爆起动器类产品 5. Explosion-proof starter products | Mandatory | |
6. 防爆变压器类产品 6. Explosion-proof transformer products | Mandatory | |
7. 防爆电动执行机构、电磁阀类产品 7. Explosion-proof electric actuator, solenoid valve products | Mandatory | |
8. 防爆插接装置 8. Explosion-proof plug device | Mandatory | |
9. 防爆监控产品 9. Explosion-proof monitoring products | Mandatory | |
10. 防爆通讯、信号装置 10. Explosion-proof communication and signaling devices | Mandatory | |
11. 防爆空调、通风装置 11. Explosion-proof air conditioning, ventilation | Mandatory | |
12. 防爆电加热产品 12. Explosion-proof electric heating products | Mandatory | |
13. 防爆附件、Ex元件 13. Explosion-proof accessories, Ex components | Mandatory | |
14. 防爆仪器仪表类产品 14. Explosion-proof instrumentation products | Mandatory | |
15. 防爆传感器 15. Explosion-proof sensor | Mandatory | |
16. 安全栅类产品 16. Safety barrier products | Mandatory | |
17. 防爆仪表箱类产品 17. Explosion-proof instrument box products | Mandatory | |
家用燃气器具 Gas appliances for household used | 1. 家用燃气灶具 1. Gas appliances for household used | Mandatory |
2. 家用燃气快速热水器 2. Gas fast water heater for household used | Mandatory | |
3. 燃气采暖热水炉 3. Gas heating water heater | Mandatory |
If you have any question, please feel free to contact us by phone or email and we will be happy to answer questions, send you information or prepare a quote.
Tel: +86 21 62563300
Fax: +86 21 62563977
23F-C, Hengan Building, No.333 Shi Men 2 Road, Jingan District, Shanghai, China